Abhiruchi Caterers is The Zabburdusth Food Makers. 17th August, Corporate Catering at SBI, LB Nagar, Hyderabad.
SBI staff meeting of the different branch .. Conducted you and we are ordered got their food arrangements. It’s Maybe 10th time this month.
Dear SBI as we have been doing every day by seeking g the quality, for which you have Always expressed happiness, we shall continue similar quality and service and may do still better so that you can continue patronizing us, but definitely, we will not compromise.
For such a wonderful experience, Please save Abhiruchi Caterers, Cell No. 9652771122.
Delicious food anxiously awaits you All…Lion.Abhiruchi Shiva Kumar,
Founder & Director
Abhiruchi Caterers: The Zabburdhusth Food Makers.